Hospice Quinte held our Annual General Meeting at Occasions by the Bay on the evening of June 20, 2023,
The highlight of the evening was the announcement of our plans to apply for funding to expand the number of beds at the Stan Klemencic Care Centre by four.
Executive Director Jennifer May-Anderson said, “As we look ahead to the future, I am thrilled to announce an exciting development for our hospice. Recognizing the growing demand for our services, we will be putting together a business case to the Ministry of Health to expand our facility by adding four additional beds. This expansion will enable us to provide care to more individuals and families in our community, ensuring that no one faces end-of-life alone or without the support they need.”
If approved, it would bring the total number of beds at the facility to ten.
In addition to this exciting announcement, Hospice Quinte welcomed its new executive board members. Voted in for another term, were, Kim Lander as President, Stan Dafoe as Vice President, and Susan Barberstock as Secretary, while Breanne Matthews will serve as the new Treasurer.
Hospice Quinte also presented awards to retiring board members Martha Griffin, and Lorraine Belanger, wife of late board member Joseph Belanger.
The eventful evening wrapped up with the launch of Hospice Quinte’s new annual fundraising initiative dubbed “The Comfort of Home Campaign”. With a budget of $2.2 million this year, Hospice Quinte will be working to raise $1 million to assist with operations, including the essential services of its Stan Klemencic Care Centre.