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About Hospice Quinte

Hospice is about LIVING

Since 1985 Hospice Quinte has been changing the lives of the terminally ill, their families, and the bereaved for the better by providing compassionate care and support to individuals, their families, and caregivers.

We believe everyone in the Quinte region, and their loved ones, should be provided with compassionate care in the setting of their choice. Hospice Quinte provides end-of-life services both at home and at the world-class Stan Klemencic Care Centre.

All our programs and services are provided at no charge by compassionate and well-trained staff and volunteers. Our service area includes a population of over 110,000 people living in Quinte West, Belleville, Deseronto, Tyendinaga Township, and the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

As a charitable organization, Hospice Quinte relies on its relationships with individuals, businesses, and charitable foundations in the community. Without the generosity of our donors, our work would not be possible.

What is Hospice care?

Hospice is about helping our clients to live life, finding joy and meaning along the way, and supporting those left behind to work through their grief and to heal.

Anyone who is within the last 12 months of life or the terminal phase of a life-limiting illness, may qualify for in home hospice care. Our volunteers provide up to 4 hours of companionship and caregiver respite a week.

Those in the last three months of life, or the end stage of a terminal illness, can have 24/7 care at our Stan Klemencic Care Centre.

Our Mission

Hospice Quinte provides individuals, their families, and caregivers with compassionate end of life care, by attending to their physical, psychosocial, and practical needs, and offering empathetic care to those who are grieving.

Our Vision

Everyone in the Quinte Region, and their loved ones, should be provided with compassionate care, in the setting of their choice, and have their end of life journey treated with empathy and respect.

Our Values


Compassion underscores all our actions and decision making, with a commitment to quality end of life care being fundamental to our work and our relationships.


Integrity forms the basis of personal and professional practice and we build trust with honesty and openness with our stakeholders.


Respectful, honest communication, with appreciation for diversity enables us to accomplish together what could not be achieved alone.


Through the active pursuit of skills, knowledge, growth, and innovation, we achieve our highest personal and professional potential in our unwavering quest for quality end of life care.


To create, nurture, and sustain an inclusive culture where we meet the different needs of our clients, volunteers, and staff.

Hospice Quinte Services

Caregiver Support - 18+
  • Caring for someone with a terminal illness (does not need to be a Hospice Quinte client)
  • 3 phone support sessions with Hospice Quinte staff
  • Volunteer Peer Support by phone for up to 12 months, or while they are caregiving
Learn More About Caregiver SupportApply for Caregiver Support Services
In-Home Hospice - Any Age
  • Last 12 months of life (terminal phase of a life-limiting illness)
  • PPS of 50% or less (considerable assistance required, frequent medical care)
  • Volunteers provide up to 4 hours of companionship and caregiver respite per week
Learn More About In-Home HospiceApply for In-Home Hospice Services
Hospice Residence - 18+
  • Last 3 months of life (end stage of a terminal illness)
  • PPS of 30% or less (almost completely bed bound)
  • 24/7 care in the Stan Klemencic Care Centre
  • 6 bed facility
Learn More About Hospice ResidenceInquire About Hospice Residence
Bereavement Wellness - 18+
  • Bereaved in the last three years
  • 6 week Bereavement Wellness Program (offered at select times of year)
Learn More About Bereavement WellnessApply for Bereavement Wellness

Stan Klemencic Care Centre

Hospice Quinte’s Stan Klemencic Care Centre is the central hub of the organization. Established in 2021, the Stan Klemencic Care Centre is a multi-purpose facility located at 1244 Old Highway 2 (across from Bayside Secondary School). The centre is home to a six bed, state-of-the-art hospice care residence. It also houses the organization’s community hospice support services team and general administration, and features specially equipped spaces for supporting clients, their families, Hospice Quinte staff and volunteers. All of Hospice Quinte programs and services stem from the professional work and training that happens at the worldclass Stan Klemencic Care Centre.

Hospice Quinte is honored to be a member of the CSS (Community Support Services) agency